Friday, February 13

13th Feb.
Hehe, tomorrow is valentines day. But i'll be alone leh. D:
Nevermind. Lol. Today in the morning, gave les my bunny. Then gave me, an apple?
Apple soft toy lah, not that can eat one kay! LOLLOL! <3
Me feel like punching it. :/ Then les keep laugh? Is not i bad lah.
Is cause' she's got an innocent face, that makes people feel like punching her lah. :x
Hehe, anyway thanks baby! After that Anessa, my babygirl came. Passed her a small bear.
Then she gave me a card. Paiseh ar, that bear very small. Then hor, i very jealous leh.
Cause' hor, the card she gave les and Jasmine got more words leh! Hmphs! :(
LOLLOL, Then she find alot excuses. Haha. Just kidding lah kay!
Went back class, then Nazurah, my pretty lady came. Gave her that baby stitch.
Before lesson starts, gave les a paper rose & a card w her name.
She say she luv all my presents alot leh. LOL HAHAHA. :D
She put all my presents for her on the table, throughtout the whole day.
Siao right. Then all keep say the bunny cute. OF COURSE LAH, I CHOOSE ONE LEH LOL!!!
Physics test was fine, not as difficult as i thought. But not that easy lah.
Then after that, Nazurah passed me & les a card and a braclet.
She say the main present is coming soon. So many right. Anyway, thanks pretty lady! <3
Before lower sec assembly, gave Nazurah, Anessa & Jasmine the paper roses. :)
They say very nice also, lol. :x They keep holding it, during the assembly. :/
After the assembly, rest awhile. Then headed to hall, for badminton training.
Training was very very very tough lor. 4 hours sial.
After training right, me, Kimberly & Fareesa went to buy can drinks.
Kimberly's and my hand was like shaking when we're holding the can lor wtfz.
Reached home, then found out i can't walk. -.- Leg cramp till like fxck. Sigh.
K lah, i very tired liao. Due to the training. :x Goodnight, sweet dreams.

I bought this on don't know when. :x

My poor thumb. D':

Hehe, presents i gave les. :)

Les gave me this. <3

Me give Nazurah. :)

Nazurah gimme one. <3

Me to Anessa! I know it's small. :(

Anessa's card for me. <3

Geraldine honeystead asked
somebody to pass this to me. :O

I shall not reply tags, since there are not much tags. :/

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