Saturday, December 13

1. Who is the person that tagged you?
- Kaili.

2. Relationship between you & her?
- Mother and daughter.

3. 5 impressions about her?
- Cute, Pretty, Smart, Adorable, Lovely. (:

4. If she becomes your enemy, you will?
- Impossible, unless she hates me. D:

5. What will you say to the person you like very much?
- I like you, LOL!

6.Characteristics I like about myself?
- I don't know.

7. Characteristics I hate about myself?
- I don't know.

8. For the person whom you hate, you say?
- I hate you. :D

9. What do people feel about you?
- You should ask people around me, not me.

10. Pass this to 10 people.

11. If 3 & 2 were together? (Kaili & Samantha)
- In what way?

12. Who does 1 likes? (Weiqi)
- Hee, you all should know.

13. What colours does 7 like? (Tissany)
- Blue, if i'm not wrong.

14. Say something about 8? (Shermine)
- Crazy. :x

15. Who is 1? (Weiqi)
- Human. She's my dearest. :D

16. Talk about 10? (Cindy)
- Don't know what to say. :x

17. Who is 4's bestfriends? (Jiajia)
- Samantha and Kaili.

18. Who is skinniest among all the 10 people?
- Don't know.

19. What colours does 6 like? (Haiting)
- Don't know leh.

20. Is 5 Single? (Darling)
- Think so.

21. Relationship between 10? (Cindy)
- She's my meimei. (:

22. Are 10 & 7 best friends? (Cindy & Tissany)
- Oh please, they don't even know each other.

23. 8's Surname? (Shermine)
- Tay.

24. 1's Nickname? (Weiqi)
- Ahqi. :D

25. Say something to 3? (Kaili)
- Hi, LOL!

26. Say something to help 6? (Haiting)
- She doesn't need my help?

27. Who does 7 admire? (Tissany)
- Don't know.

28. Where does 2 live? (Samantha)
- Singapore lah, rubbish.

29. Who know's who you like?
- Myself.

30. Say something to 7 when you see her? (Tissany)
- Hunneh i love you. :D

31. 10's spouse? (Cindy)
- Don't know.

32. Name 5 people to do this quiz! And they are :
I don't force people to do things, so if you want to do the quiz, just do it! :D

Hello! Here to post again. At genting internet cafe. Will be going back home tomorrow.
Flying to HongKong the day following. So people, miss me kay. (: Neeheeheee. I'll miss you guys too.
Will be back on 22/23 December, i'm not so sure. I think i'll end here, because left around 10 minutes.
Super expensive sial, one hour 15$. Whao? Going arcade later, just maybe. Hee.
Alright, byebye. :D

Tag Replies.
Big J: Yo! tagged you in genting. Lols
I know, you're beside me when you were tagging me.
[: KAILI: :D ilyyyyy ! love
Hee, love you too! :D
Jiajia: hm, something different ar? ok, ihyihy. LOL! jk lah. ilyily. 8)
Zomg, you hate me?! ):

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