Wednesday, October 31

s0tonqq :) x33 s0tonq ~ wo bu shi chiobu larhs.
s0tonqq :) lols. tell miie fer wad ? =/
jiajia :) LOL . if ue dead , how ue taqq .. =.= x33 ue to0 ~
linshan :) ehhs , wo bu shi chiobu , tyvm. ily to0 ~~ mhhuacks.
jennifer :) -.- miie bu shi chiobu ! x33 ue to0 ~ mhhuacks.
jennifer :) st0p callinq miie 'chiobu' mummy , n i'll be very qrateful.
samantha :) lols , ue dun qet hu ? n dun qet wad ?


Wednesday, October 24

looooooooooonq time no post ler . xp
ps arhs .
today maths .
haix .
dun sae maths .
ytd enq .
de comprehension cloze 'n comprehension open-ended kinda easy .
easier dan runninq revision wksht . xp
tmr MT . T.T
btw hor ,
me nt scared of jammunah lerhs .
lols ..
hiak hiak . xp
today stay bck .
qo com lap . xDD
qo lead revise .
den las 10 mins online MSN .
teacher allow de . xp
den stay until 4.20pm wib
jiajia ,
sam ,
kaili ,
haitinq ,
peichi ,
n of cos weiqi .
cos she follow me marhs .
den we play at canteen .
jiajia sat on de table marhs .
den she duno how push de thinqy whr we sit .
den de thinq falls .
so pro sias .
den qt one time jiajia sat on table aqn n sam sat at de thinqy whr we sit .
jiajia use leq push de thinqy .
sam nearly fall .
den kaili lik so cute luhs . xp
den jiajia pei weiqi qo qenerous office call her mother .
call ler jiu hui jia ler . T.T

nth lerhs ~
byebye, :D